Dee Mahoney


DEE MAHONEY Holistic Therapist

Available Monday – Friday 9:00 am – 5:00 pm, Evenings by Special Arrangement

Reiki - 60 mins - £65.00

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT Tapping) - 60 mins - £75.00

Aromatherapy - 45mins - £50.00

Holistic Energy Healing - 80 mins (incl. Reiki, EFT Tapping & Coaching) - £100.00

Can you tell us a bit about your background?
Hello my name is Dee I am a qualified Reiki Practitioner, EFT Practitioner and Emotional Wellbeing Coach. I have been practicing holistic therapies for many years, professionally and with family and friends. I am a city girl who likes to have fun and knows what it feels like when life turns out to be not so fun. I am born and raised in London, and as a young child I discovered very early how different I was to most children and adults around me. I’ve always been very sensitive to energies and subtle vibrations and equally as intuitive – a bit quirky as well, to say the least.

Growing up I realised I was able to pick-up on people’s surface emotions and would unknowingly absorb the energies in my surrounding environment. I didn’t know what was happening at the time, I would just continue to absorb everything as if it was normal for people to do. After years of researching and studying, I started to understand my gifts in more detail, some of the titles use to describe them are; Empath, Channeler, Clairvoyant and Energy Healer.

Over the years my gifts have allowed me to connect with many people who need healing from within. Those who want to revive and unblock stagnant energy, reduce bodily discomfort, become liberated from feelings of helplessness and gain a sense of confidence in themselves for themselves.

What would it be like to meet you?
My way of doing things is simple and straight forward. Upon your arrival I will complete a short health check so I have an overview of your requirements. At the beginning of each session, I will ask you how you’re feeling, what you would like to work on and what is your desired result? This will help me to identify what’s important to you and where to focus our time.

The approach and methods I use are tailored towards your ultimate goal as well as what is brought up in each session. I go with what works for you and how you want to do things.

I take each individual person just as they are, without wanting them to fit into an invisible box under my desk.

You will feel relaxed, confident and energised after you finish a session with me.

What therapies do you use and what kind of difficulties do you help people with?
I offer a range of treatments that promote holistic healing for everyone.

Below is a list of holistic therapies used:

• Reiki Energy Healing;

• Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT);

• Emotional Wellbeing Coaching;

• Motivational Coaching; and

• Aromatherapy;

If you feel that you are continuously trying to get rid of sensations of unease and discomfort, feelings of sadness or the memories and effects of trauma? There’s a special treatment here for you!

When working with energy healing therapies such as Reiki and EFT you will be able to interface with how things truly make you feel. How to identify when you don’t feel right and how to bring yourself back to a good place.

I work with people who just want to feel better in their own body. As well as those who have more complexed needs and want to connect with alternative ways of managing their needs.

You CAN have a better life for yourself!